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To understand RTL And Testbench description for an arithmetic logic unit using arithmetic and logical operators.


To understand RTL description for an arithmetic logic unit using arithmetic and logical operators.




module alu(a_in,b_in,command,en,d_out);


         input [7:0]a_in,b_in;

         input [3:0]command;

         input en;

         output [15:0]d_out;


   parameter       ADD  = 4'b0000, // Add two 8 bit numbers a and b.

                         INC  = 4'b0001, // Increment a by 1.

                         SUB  = 4'b0010, // Subtracts b from a.

                         DEC  = 4'b0011, // Decrement a by 1.

                         MUL  = 4'b0100, // Multiply 4 bit numbers a and b.

                         DIV  = 4'b0101, // Divide a by b.

                         SHL  = 4'b0110, // Shift a to left side by 1 bit.

                         SHR  = 4'b0111, // Shift a to right by 1 bit.

                       AND  = 4'b1000, // Logical AND operation.

                         OR   = 4'b1001, // Logical OR operation.

                         INV  = 4'b1010, // Logical Negation.

                         NAND = 4'b1011, // Bitwise NAND.

                         NOR  = 4'b1100, // Bitwise NOR.

                         XOR  = 4'b1101, // Bitwise XOR.

                         XNOR = 4'b1110, // Bitwise XNOR.

                         BUF  = 4'b1111; // BUF.



   reg  [15:0]out;






            ADD : out=a_in + b_in;

                  INC : out=a_in + 1'b1;

                  SUB : out=a_in - b_in;

                  DEC : out=a_in - 1'b1;

                  MUL : out=a_in * b_in;

                  DIV : out=a_in / b_in;

                  SHL : out=a_in << b_in;

                  SHR : out=a_in >> b_in;

                  AND : out=a_in & b_in;

                  OR  : out=a_in | b_in;

                  INV : out=~(a_in);

                  NAND: out=~(a_in & b_in);

                  NOR : out=~(a_in | b_in);

                  XOR : out=a_in ^ b_in;

                  XNOR: out=a_in ~^ b_in;

                  BUF : out=a_in;


                  default out=1'b0;





   //Understand the tri-state logic for actual output

   assign d_out = (en) ? out : 16'hzzzz;





Test Bench

//Alu test bench


module alu_tb();



   reg [7:0]a,b;

   reg [3:0]command;

   reg enable;

   wire [15:0]out;



   integer i,m,n;



   parameter ADD  = 4'b0000, // Add two 8 bit numbers a and b.

           INC  = 4'b0001, // Increment a by 1.

           SUB  = 4'b0010, // Subtracts b from a.

           DEC  = 4'b0011, // Decrement a by 1.

           MUL  = 4'b0100, // Multiply 4 bit numbers a and b.

           DIV  = 4'b0101, // Divide a by b.

           SHL  = 4'b0110, // Shift a to left side by 1 bit.

           SHR  = 4'b0111, // Shift a to right by 1 bit.

           AND  = 4'b1000, // Logical AND operation

           OR   = 4'b1001, // Logical OR operation

           INV  = 4'b1010, // Logical Negation

           NAND = 4'b1011, // Bitwise NAND

           NOR  = 4'b1100, // Bitwise NOR

           XOR  = 4'b1101, // Bitwise XOR

           XNOR = 4'b1110, // Bitwise XNOR

           BUF  = 4'b1111; // BUF



   reg [4*8:0]string_cmd;



   alu A (a,b,command,enable,out);



   task initialize;


       {a,b,command,enable} = 0;





   task en(input e);






   task data(input [7:0]a_in,b_in);







   task comm (input [3:0]comm1);






   task delay();










          ADD   :  string_cmd = "ADD";

          INC   :  string_cmd = "INC";

          SUB   :  string_cmd = "SUB";

          DEC   :  string_cmd = "DEC";

          MUL   :  string_cmd = "MUL";

          DIV   :  string_cmd = "DIV";

          SHL   :  string_cmd = "SHL";

          SHR   :  string_cmd = "SHR";

          INV   :  string_cmd = "INV";

          AND   :  string_cmd = "AND";

          OR    :  string_cmd = "OR";

          NAND  :  string_cmd = "NAND";

          NOR   :  string_cmd = "NOR";

          XOR   :  string_cmd = "XOR";

          XNOR  :  string_cmd = "XNOR";

          BUF   :  string_cmd = "BUF";









       for (i=0;i<16;i=i+1)


             for (m=0;m<16;m=m+1)



                      for (n=0;n<16;n=n+1)




















      $monitor("Input enable=%b, a=%b, b=%b, command=%s, Output out=%b",enable,a,b,string_cmd,out);




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